Home > Status of Sloth bears across South Rajasthan, India

The Sloth bear population is declining across their distribution range due to habitat degradation, habitat loss, and facing conflicts with humans. These threats are expected to accelerate with increasing urbanization and demand for natural resources. Over the past decade, human interference in their habitats has led to a rise in Human-Sloth bear conflict in India.

Rajasthan, the largest state in India, has limited scientific data on Sloth bears. Existing studies focus mainly on distribution, diet within a single protected area, and local perceptions of the species. These studies highlight the urgent need for further research due to increasing poaching and habitat degradation. This study, supported by Bears in Mind since 2024, aims to investigate occupancy, genetic variability, and population structure across southern Rajasthan in the known distribution range of Sloth bear with an aim to identify local, landscape and genetic data and also contribute to the IUCN Bear Specialist Group’s project on Asian bears range mapping.